Rate Specials For All Your Savings Needs

We’re here to help make your savings plans easy, flexible and secure. Now is the time to start saving with one of our great Certificate of Deposit rates:

Certificate of Deposit Specials

As of 2/17/2025

TypeInterest RateAPY*

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is 4.11% for the 7-month certificate, 3.80% for the 13-month certificate, 3.55% for 27-month certificate, 3.30% for the 39-month certificate and is accurate as of 02/12/2025. At maturity, the 7-month certificate will automatically renew for a term of 6 months, 13-month certificate will automatically renew for a term of 12 months, the 27-month certificate will automatically renew for a term of 24 months, and the 39-month certificate will automatically renew for a term of 36 months. Funds must remain on deposit for the term of the certificate. A penalty for early withdrawal may apply. Fees could reduce earnings. Other fees and restriction may apply. The minimum to open the certificate of deposit is $500. This special is available for a limited time and is subject to change without notice.